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第6回APLJシンポジウム - APLJ Symposium 6
Wednesday, May 8th, 13:00 - 16:45
Green Commons Building

Campus Scenery_キャンパス風景05_edited.jpg

Plenary: 13:05 - 13:30
Making Informed Decisions: Integrating Technology in Language Teaching and Learning

Francisca Maria Ivone, Ph.D.


Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia



Francisca Maria Ivone is an associate professor of applied linguistics at the Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang in East Java, Indonesia. She teaches and conducts research on listening and reading comprehension, extensive reading (ER), listening and viewing, Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL), and instructional media. She has implemented and disseminated TELL, CALL, ER and Extensive Listening and Viewing (EL&V) in her classes and throughout Indonesia and Asia through presentations at national and international conferences, seminars, and webinars. She has written research and conceptual papers, as well as book chapters, about ER, EL&V, CALL, TELL, and collaborative learning.

In this presentation, we explore the integration of technology in language teaching and learning through the lens of three research approaches: determinist, instrumental, and critical. As technology becomes increasingly essential in language learning and instruction, reshaping traditional practices and offering innovative learning avenues, it prompts fundamental questions of who, why, what, how, and when. We start by examining the "who" of technology integration, considering the roles and responsibilities of language teachers and learners. Understanding their involvement lays the groundwork for exploring the "why" behind technology integration, analysing its purpose and impact on language learning and communicative competence through the determinist lens. Subsequently, we delve into the "what," exploring the numerous technological tools and platforms available for language learning. Employing the critical approach, we examine the socio-political implications of technology integration. Moving forward, we manage the "how" of technology integration into language instruction, guided by the instrumental approach to optimise outcomes. Furthermore, we assess the "when" of technology integration, considering the timing and sequencing within language learning contexts. By examining these questions and approaches, the presentation aims to empower language educators with the insights needed to navigate technology-enhanced language teaching and learning effectively, bridging the gap between practice and research.

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