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Please bring your Zoom device and earphones to access translation during the plenary and presentations from 13:00 to 14:35 

Francisca Maria Ivone, Ph.D.
Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

Making Informed Decisions: Integrating Technology in Language Teaching and Learning

In this presentation, we explore the integration of technology in language teaching and learning through the lens of three research approaches: determinist, instrumental, and critical. As technology becomes increasingly essential in language learning and instruction, reshaping traditional practices and offering innovative learning avenues, it prompts fundamental questions of who, why, what, how, and when. We start by examining the "who" of technology integration, considering the roles and responsibilities of language teachers and learners. Understanding their involvement lays the groundwork for exploring the "why" behind technology integration, analysing its purpose and impact on language learning and communicative competence through the determinist lens. Subsequently, we delve into the "what," exploring the numerous technological tools and platforms available for language learning. Employing the critical approach, we examine the socio-political implications of technology integration. Moving forward, we manage the "how" of technology integration into language instruction, guided by the instrumental approach to optimise outcomes. Furthermore, we assess the "when" of technology integration, considering the timing and sequencing within language learning contexts. By examining these questions and approaches, the presentation aims to empower language educators with the insights needed to navigate technology-enhanced language teaching and learning effectively, bridging the gap between practice and research.

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Kevin Crowley
Ritsumeikan APU

From Inspiration to Impact:

Beginner’s Guide to Language Research Design, Execution, and Publication

In the pursuit of satisfying our intellectual curiosities, the conceptualization of research projects should be grounded in a blend of intellectual curiosity and a desire for practical application. This symposium presentation will guide attendees through the journey from idea to the process of research design, execution, and publication. Included in the presentation is a structured approach for identifying methodologies, recruiting participants, and establishing collaborations with course coordinators, colleagues, program directors, ethics committees, and possibly even outside institutions. The final important step of working with the editorial board in the process of revising one’s manuscript is also described. This presentation embodies the essence of a research endeavor, one that transcends résumé fluffery and resonates with the researcher's intrinsic motivation for knowledge, self-improvement, and societal betterment. Attendees will gain a better understanding of the research process and be inspired to pursue their own scholarly inquiries.

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Izumi Koyama and Benjamin Rentler
Ritsumeikan APU

A Qualitative Study on Students' Experience of the Japanese-English Communication Skills (JECS) Course




This presentation is based on a study of the Japanese-English Combined Classroom (JECS) course at APU, published in APU Language Studies Review Volume 9. The presenters used qualitative research methods to explore how JECS students experienced the course and what they gained from it, based on the JECS students' class reflection sheets from the fall semester of 2022. The results revealed that students gained a variety of skills and meaningful experiences through the course, including the ability to work collaboratively, think critically, and learn independently. In the presentation, the presenters will provide an overview of the background of the JECS course and the classes studied, share findings from the research, share challenges they faced in conducting the research, and engage in a question and answer session with the participants. 

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大原 哲史, 石村 文恵



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本稿は,日本の大学における初級日本語授業で,経験の意識化を通して学生が主体的な学びを構築するための新たな教室活動についての実践報告である。従来の大学の初級日本語授業では「教員が学生に知識を伝達する」という教員と学生の関係をもとに段階的な学生の言語知識の獲得をめざした教室活動が主になっている。しかし,このような活動では学びに関わる行為の主体性はあまり学生に移譲されない。そこで,本研究では,「社会文化的アプローチ」の視点と「活動理論」の枠組みを援用し,学生と教員が協働して学びを作り上げる「Target Activity」という活動を初級日本語授業に取り入れ,学生の主体的な学びを促した。Target Activityは,教室の位置付けを「教室外で有効と思われる言語知識を教える場所」から「教室内外で得た学生の経験の共有とその意識化を通して学びを構築および拡張させる場所」と捉え直し,大学の日本語授業における新たな教育的アプローチをめざしたものである。 

布尾 勝一郎



介護分野の労働力不足を背景として、日本における外国人介護労働者の受け入れが拡大している。 EPA 介護福祉士候補者、在留資格「介護」、「技能実習」、「特定技能 1 号」といった受け入れの枠組みが設けられ、介護労働者の多様化、多国籍化が進んだ。日本で継続的に就労するには、日本語で実施される介護福祉士国家試験の受験が重要な意味を持つ。そこで、筆者らは、外国人介護労働者が国家試験 受験に際して介護専門用語を学習するためのウェブサイト教材として、「やさしい日本語でまなぶ介護専門用語集」を開発した。学習者の母語や文化的背景を問わず学習が可能になること等を重視し、やさしい日本語(平易な日本語)を用いて専門用語の説明を行った点が特徴である。本教材の機能としては、 多言語による検索やタグによる絞り込み等が備えられており、様々な活用法が想定される。本稿では、開発の具体的な方法(語彙の選定、やさしい日本語による説明の付与、翻訳、サイトの開発など)やサイト開発上の課題について述べる。そのうえで、サイトを一般公開した後に行ったコンテンツの拡充や、今後の展開についても触れる。

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Lindsay Mack
Ritsumeikan APU

From proofreader to mediator: the roles negotiated by NNES tutors in EFL writing tutorials 

Click on link on campus or off campus if you have the VPN 

Currently, writing centers are expanding to Asian university contexts and hiring Non-native English speakers (NNES) as peer tutors, but there is a paucity of research on the roles NNES tutors play and on tutoring in global contexts. To address this gap, this study interrogates the question: What role do NNES tutors adopt in English a Foreign Language (EFL) writing centers? Through the framework of symbolic interactionism, a mixed method approach was employed. Data were collected from 16 pre- and post-semester tutor interviews, 30 tutorial observations and a tutee survey with 24 respondents. It was found that rather than adopting a precisely defined role such as peer mentor or foreign language instructor the tutor adopted multiple roles: proofreader, translator, coach, teacher, and mediator. Each role is negotiated through each interaction with individual tutees. The roles put forth encompass a new way for NNES tutors to effectively tutor in EFL settings. 

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Paul Sevigny, Lance Stilp, and Maiko Berger
Ritsumeikan APU

High-Frequency Vocabulary: Moving from Recognition to Recall Level on Quizlet 

This study expands arguments calling for a more rigorous approach to high-frequency vocabulary list-based learning in EFL learning environments. Test and flashcard item designs were validated through quantitative (midterm and final test) and qualitative (survey) results to explore the impact of digital flashcards designed to build recall-level comprehension on both timed gap-fill and traditional multiple-choice posttests. Quizlet was chosen as the platform due to the affordance it provides teachers to create flashcard content and monitor practice. The results showed that multiple-choice, recognition-level test items result in a 20% overestimation of knowledge relative to gap-fill posttests. Additionally, a post-semester survey of 138 Japanese, pre-intermediate students of English showed a highly positive response to the recall-focused practice and testing system. The results demonstrate that for high-frequency L2 vocabulary, a paradigm shift from form-meaning recognition to form-meaning recall is an important direction for high-frequency vocabulary instruction and testing. 

*Lindsay Mack, co-author of this paper is leading another discussion, so cannot be at this discussion. 

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Kent Jones
Ritstumeikan APU

Verbal classrooms: Fluency activities through structure control practice

This paper describes an approach based on the principles of Skill Acquisition Theory which aims at helping students acquire spoken fluency and grammatical control through a system of practice called the Verbal Classrooms approach. In this approach, students move from the most basic aspects of spoken language to complex structures through a series of dynamic and dialogic activities. These activities encourage smoothness of speech, an increasing rate of speech, eye contact, and grammatical accuracy all in a fast-paced and lively classroom environment. The results of a survey of 159 Japanese university students with beginner to low-intermediate English proficiency who participated in the activities over several weeks is also provided, showing evidence that the approach is both enjoyed and seen as effective by university-age Japanese learners of English.

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John Collins
Nippon Bunri University, Oita

Improving Student Motivation, Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Online ESL Classes using Kahoot! Quizzes

The following article reports the results of a survey conducted regarding student perceptions of the use of Kahoot! Quizzes in online undergraduate ESL classes during the Covid19 pandemic. Within a broader framework of gamification and intrinsic motivation, the survey focused on learning engagement, motivation, anxiety, and learning outcomes. Questions relating to quiz length, time, and frequency were also asked. The survey took place against a backdrop of ongoing online classes and a desire on the teacher’s part to raise student motivation and engagement. A total of 77 undergraduate students at the Nippon Bunri University College of Business and Economics and the College of Engineering completed the survey and the results indicated overall support for the use of Kahoot! as an effective way of boosting both student motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. 

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Billy Priest
Ritsumeikan APU

Gamification in the L2 classroom: Engagement and Motivation 

As part of ongoing efforts to increase student engagement, motivation, group cohesion, and classroom participation and to reduce absenteeism and behavior issues, action research was begun this semester (Spring, 2024) in which a variety of games and game-like aspects have been integrated into three university-level English-language classes at the CEFR B1 level. These include a semester-long game that the class plays as a team; many smaller games that students play as individuals, pairs, and small groups; and low-cost material rewards. This presentation will introduce some of these games, their integration into curriculum, and briefly discuss the early results of introducing gamification in this context. Evidence at this point is strictly anecdotal, based on the teacher’s observations of the classes in action. From these observations, it appears that, even at this early point of the semester, students are more engaged in classroom activities, completing in-class and homework assignments more consistently, attending more regularly, communicating more frequently about their tardiness or absence when it happens, and interacting more positively with each other and the instructor. Instructor’s motivation and engagement are also, unexpectedly, improved. Action research will continue through the semester. Recommendations for further, more formal, research will be made. 

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Christine Yu-Ting Hung
Ritsumeikan APU

Interaction with Multimodal Resources in an Introductory Chinese Class

Many students and teachers believe that it is difficult for students in introductory Chinese classes to interact with native Chinese speakers due to lack of Chinese linguistic knowledge. This research attempts to understand how students with limited Chinese linguistic knowledge and native Chinese speakers interact with each other and develop mutual understanding by using multimodal resources. The research analyzes video assignments of three students (two Japanese and one Burmese) in an introductory Chinese class at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. In this Chinese class, students created videos to introduce their daily life as a class assignment while receiving support from native Chinese speakers. The research results indicate that students with limited Chinese linguistic knowledge and native Chinese speakers use a variety of resources including sound, gestures, and/or objects in their interaction to create the videos. This finding implies that it is important for students to not only learn linguistic knowledge but also understand multimodal aspects of language learning and communication so that they can expand their approaches to learning and using languages. 

Parallel Lines



Examination on the Teaching Method of Chinese Expressions of Possibility from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics Approach―Memory Formation through Phrase Repetition and Practical Application-Oriented Classes― 

認知心理学では、知識の保存庫として「長期記憶」という貯蔵庫を理論的に構築してきた。長期記憶は顕在記憶(知識、つまり「わかる」)と潜在的記憶(技能、つまり「できる」)に分類されている。中国語の可能表現を学習するに際し、学習者の助動詞 “能、会、可以” と可能補語の使用における混乱がよく見られる。また、この文法項目に関する先行研究は多くあるが、課題は依然として多い。本報告では、第二言語学習として中国語を学習する者が習得の難しさを感じている可能表現を如何に「わかる」から「できる」へと記憶形成させていくかの教授法を検討し、上記文法項目の習得に関する課題を解決するために、以下の2つの練習を計画している。 


(1) 認知言語学の視点からのアプローチによる、視覚提示+教員による音声 


(2) 使用場面を設定したロールプレイ練習 



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Anya Kumarawati, Monica Nguyen, and Paul Sevigny
Ritsumeikan APU

Analyzing Schemes for Illustrating Second Language Graded Readers 

The Community Literacy Activism (CLA) project developed a series of six bilingual stories related to culture groups on campus (Young Adult Multicultural Stories or YAMS (Sevigny & Manabe, 2023)). Initially, we created six illustrations for each story in the series in three versions: upper-intermediate, intermediate, and elementary. Post-publication (, the YAMS series is now a dataset for analysis with an eye toward our next series of readers, asking the following question: What new approaches could be taken in illustrating graded readers such as those in the YAMS series? To answer the question, we summarized the original production process. Then we delved into research on reading comprehension (Hillocks & Ludlow, 1984; Bell, 2011; Ramonda & Sevigny, 2019) and dual coding theory (Sadoski, 2005) to discover alternative schemes for illustrating graded readers. Based on our analysis, we concluded that level-specific illustration schemes are preferable. New approaches to illustrating elementary-level readers are suggested. Analysis suggests that illustration planning should include appropriate starting points relative to text completion, illustration styles, illustrator and author collaboration availability, and detailed descriptions of learner needs at each proficiency level. 

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自律的な学びを促進する試み 中国語学習者による自己・ピア・母語話者からの学び 


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Collette Grant and Ann Herrera

 Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 

Strengthening Long-Term Memory and Improving Academic Performance through Enhanced Integration Across Skills 

Within the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning, the principles of cognitive load theory, specifically frequency, intensity, and depth, play a crucial role in developing robust long-term memory and fostering a propensity for academic success. Frequency refers to the repeated exposure to integrated skill tasks, which reinforces and solidifies knowledge acquisition. Conversely, intensity focuses on employing cognitively challenging tasks that promote deeper understanding and critical thinking skills. Finally, depth delves into engaging with complex topics through discussions and reflections for long-term knowledge retention. Thus, this project aims to promote students' long-term memory and academic achievement through deliberate focus on the integration of vocabulary, grammar, writing, and speaking strategies. Specifically, it targets increasing the frequency and variety of tasks and materials across skills alongside promoting depth and intensity through discussions and lecture video reflections. This approach aims to foster greater intellectual and emotional involvement in learning. Employing a mixed-method approach, the study will be conducted during the Fall of 2024, with two Intermediate English A (IEA) classes constituting the population. One class will serve as the control group, providing a baseline for comparison, while the other class will comprise the experimental group, receiving intervention in the form of reinforced instructions and heightened skills integration. Surveys and interviews with students will also be conducted to get feedback on the impact of skills integration. 

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