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Wednesday, May 8th, 13:00 - 16:45 Green Commons Building

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Please bring your Zoom device and earphones

to access translation during the plenary and presentations

from 13:00 to 14:35 

Main Session

J102 Green Commons Building

13:00 Opening

13:05-13:30 Plenary: Francisca Maria Ivone, Ph.D.
Making Informed Decisions: Integrating Technology in Language Teaching and Learning

13:40-14: 05 Presentation 2: Kevin Crowley
From Inspiration to Impact:  
Beginner’s Guide to Language Research Design, Execution, and Publication

14:15 - 14:35 Presentation 3: Izumi Koyama and Benjamin Rentler
A Qualitative Study on Students' Experience of the Japanese-English Communication Skills (JECS) Course 

14:35 - 14:45 Break

Journal Club Workshops

Choose one workshop and read their article before the symposium!


Room J101 Workshop Article 1
大原 哲史, 石村 文恵 , 立命館アジア太平洋大学 


Room J302 Workshop Article 2
布尾 勝一郎, 立命館アジア太平洋大学 


Room J101 Workshop Article 3,  
From proofreader to mediator: the roles negotiated by NNES tutors in EFL writing tutorials 

Click here on campus or off campus if you have the VPN 
Lindsay Mack, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 


Room J101 Workshop Article 4
High-Frequency Vocabulary: Moving from Recognition to Recall Level on Quizlet 
Click here for open access 
Paul Sevigny, Lance Stilp, and Maiko Berger, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University* 

Room J303 Workshop Article 5
Verbal classrooms: Fluency activities through structure control practice 
Click here for open access 
Kent Jones, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 


Room J101 Workshop Article 6
Improving Student Motivation, Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Online ESL Classes using Kahoot! Quizzes 
Click here for open access 
John Collins, Nippon Bunri University, Oita 



ポスター発表・ Poster presentations 
15:40 – 16:40, 


Poster 1 Gamification in the L2 classroom: Engagement and Motivation 
Billy Priest, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 


Poster 2 Interaction with Multimodal Resources in An Introductory Chinese Class 
Christine Yu-Ting Hung, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University


Poster 3 認知言語学のアプローチから中国語可能表現の教授法についての検討―フレーズ・リピーティングと実践応用型授業による記憶形成―  
Examination on the Teaching Method of Chinese Expressions of Possibility from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics Approach―Memory Formation through Phrase Repetition and Practical Application-Oriented Classes― 
張文青, 立命館アジア太平洋大学 


Poster 4 Analyzing Schemes for Illustrating Second Language Graded Readers 
Anya Kumarawati, Monica Nguyen, and Paul Sevigny, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Poster 5 自律的な学びを促進する試み 中国語学習者による自己・ピア・母語話者からの学び 
李娜, 立命館アジア太平洋大学 


Poster 6 Strengthening Long-Term Memory and Improving Academic Performance through Enhanced Integration Across Skills 
Collette Grant and Ann Herrera, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University 

16:40-16:45 Closing 
APLJ Editorial Board 

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